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Bravo pays honor to the 18 Bravo MOS of the ODA. The 18B is pivotal to the operational readiness of the Team. With encyclopedia like knowledge of foreign and domestic weapons and tactics, the 18B trains teammates and foreign forces on conventional and unconventional offensive & defensive operations.


This coffee acknowledges the 18B Weapons Sergeant and will donate a portion of revenue from sales of this coffee to the National Rifle Association. Donating to the NRA funds the defense of our American Right to Bear Arms.


Flavor notes of this coffee are best found using a pour over method but plays well with drip machines.


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Monthly Re-Fit Plan
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$12.59every month until canceled
El Presidente
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$12.59every 3 weeks until canceled
  • Lobo Coffee Co. sells whole bean coffee to ensure that you have the freshest and highest quality tasting coffee. We do offer a grinding service for your convenience but if you want to experience true flavor of the coffee, buy whole bean coffee and only grind what you're going to drink at that time. Buy Lobo, Drink Lobo!

  • Origin: Honduras

    Region: La Campa Lempira

    Grade: SHG EP

    Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Pacas

    Process: Washed, Sun Dried on Raised Beds

    Altitude: 1350-1600 masl

    Taste Notes: Apple, Cherry, Chocolate, Medium Body

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